Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Movie Night Highlights

Movie night was fantastic. Thanks to everyone who came out to see Monster Squad & Young Frankenstein on the big screen.
We'd like to take a poll and ask what double feature people would like to see in the future? We all agreed that Monster Squad was an excellent choice, but Young Frankenstein (though an excellent movie) was a little too low-key in a way. It didn't keep the energy up for the night.
So keep that in mind with your suggestions. Going along with the monster theme, Jessie made the most amazing cupcakes (in taste and appearance) that resembled braaaaaaaaains! 
And Zira also joined the festivities for the evening. It was her first Hatchery appearance. She had fun.
We also played around with some long-exposure photography. Everyone had a good time, and we look forward to the next movie night. Stay tuned here for details on the next live show too.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Movie Night Double Feature: Monster Squad & Young Frankenstein

We're still nailing down all the details of the next show at the Geriatric Pig Hatchery, but we are doing something a little different this weekend: Movie Night Double Feature. We hope to do this on a fairly regular basis (probably not monthly, but maybe quarterly). For our first go, we've picked 2 movies that we think a lot of people will be excited about: Monster Squad & Young Frankenstein. These two features will be projected onto the screen where you're accustomed to seeing liquid light shows and digital displays during various musical performances. If you plan to attend, bring your own seating (camp chair, picnic blanket, or the like), and we'll provide monster-themed snacks and such. It's going to be lots of fun, and we can all talk about what you'd like to see for the next movie night. Please consider joining us this Saturday, July 20th, at 9:00pm. 233 Pitkin Avenue in Grand Junction.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Lights and Noise.

Tonight at the Hatchery: Lights and Noise. Festivities start at 7pm, music starts at about 8:30 or 9pm. Snacks, paints, collage materials, Murder Cafe, Fetch the Pliers...these are the delights that await you. See you there.