Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Noise and Lights. April 27th

It's time once again to start talking about the monthly shindig at the Geriatric Pig Hatchery. It will be held on Saturday, April 27th at 7pm. Noise and Lights. Come and join us for the premiere of a brand new genre, Ghost House. If you enjoy classic video games and Witch House, you won't want to miss this. We've all heard video game-inspired electronic music before, but this is a completely new take. You'll be an instant fan. We'll also have more of the psychedelia that you've come to expect from the Hatchery. 233 Pitkin Avenue in Grand Junction. Dig it.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Reopened, Finally

Such an awesome show last weekend that we've spent the whole week putting the place back together. So here we are, a week later, finally able to step back and reflect on the success we achieved. 

Murder Cafe opened up the evening with an exciting performance, complete with a classic, not-done-often-enough-anymore guitar smash during the final song of their set, a brutal Nine Inch Nails cover. Well done, guys. 

Nimmy did a comedy set that she says was her best yet. The audience was receptive and engaged, and we're now talking about getting more of our local funny friends together to do a night of sketch comedy and stand-up. 

IT-290 made a wall of noise so intense and strangely pleasing that we have had two audience members describe meditative out-of-body experiences they had. 

The reunion of Fetch the Pliers finished off the live portion of the night, unveiling a brand-new Cramps cover that was selected and learned in the final 36 hours before the show. 

The music video for Fetch the Pliers' "Commit to Conserve" was the last planned event of the night, and we followed it up with some anything-goes impromptu jamming using the Pico Paso light-activated synth, some rhyme-spittin', and some guitars and drums.

All in all a fascinating gathering of people and sounds. We want to thank everyone who participated as a performer or a reveler. We're finalizing the details of the April show, so be sure to check back for the date, time, and acts.