Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Noise and Lights. April 27th

It's time once again to start talking about the monthly shindig at the Geriatric Pig Hatchery. It will be held on Saturday, April 27th at 7pm. Noise and Lights. Come and join us for the premiere of a brand new genre, Ghost House. If you enjoy classic video games and Witch House, you won't want to miss this. We've all heard video game-inspired electronic music before, but this is a completely new take. You'll be an instant fan. We'll also have more of the psychedelia that you've come to expect from the Hatchery. 233 Pitkin Avenue in Grand Junction. Dig it.

1 comment:

  1. There will also be a few selections from the Broken Circle Records catalog for sale. Bring a few bucks and score one or two or three.
